Vegan Tea-tox Cleanse

My eating habits have been going well, but last week, I was starting to slack a bit on the healthy eating. It is completely okay to have treats once in a while, but I felt as though I may have had too much. And you can base this feeling on how your body feels. 

I wanted to do a little detox to rid my body of the toxins that were in it. I heard that detoxes are amazing – if you do it right! So I had an idea on what kind of detox I wanted to do. 

On Thursday January 30th, I began a vegan tea-tox cleanse. That simply means I would not consume any animal by-products (meat, eggs, dairy, honey) and also have 1-2 green tea’s a day. (I don’t normally drink tea, and haven’t had it in months.) 

Now, if you are planning on doing this detox, don’t think you have to eat little amounts and starve yourself. Eat LOTS of food – whole nutritious foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, quinoa, nuts, legumes, oats, smoothies, etc! Below I will tell you about my 4 day cleanse. 

The first day (Thurs Jan 30th) I had oatmeal for breakfast, apples and oranges for lunch, half a quest bar with peanut butter for a snack, Salad and veggies for dinner, and the other half of the quest bar with peanut butter for a snack. Now, I know this may not sound like much because when I list them, they sound little. But in reality, I have big amounts, and large portion sizes. When I eat oatmeal for breakfast, I load those oats in there, and top it with peanut butter, banana, strawberries, blueberries and cashews. When I eat salad and veggies for dinner, you should see my plate. I have an enormous spinach salad filled with cucumber, tomato, carrots, seeds, and dried cranberries topped with Italian dressing. I also have cooked broccoli, carrots and other varying vegetables as well. I also wasn’t sure if peanut butter was vegan or not, but after looking it up, I found that it is indeed vegan. Peanut butter is simply made from peanuts and oil. Many brands add salt and sugar though, so aim to buy all natural peanut butter. And yes, I realize a quest bar contains Milk Protein Isolate, but that is the only thing keeping them from being vegan, so I felt it was okay to include in my detox considering it won’t harm my body.  I had two teas – one in the afternoon, and one after dinner. 

On the second dayc(Fri Jan 31st), I had oatmeal for breakfast, a veggie wrap for lunch that contained spinach, cucumber, tomato, green olives, mustard and mayonnaise. This is what I usually get on my wraps, and it is a delicious combo, but then I remembered the sauces! I researched them when I got back to my room, and mustard is safe because it’s vegan, but unfortunately, mayonnaise is not. I only had a little bit on it so it is okay with me since this is MY detox, and I make the rules, but next time I will not include mayonnaise on it. In the afternoon, I had a green tea to help my food digest. That wrap kept me full until dinner which I ate at 5:30. I had another big salad and spaghetti with tomato sauce. At 8:00pm, I had another green tea. 

On day three (Sat Feb 1st), I started off my day with oatmeal, as usual. (It’s my favourite) I did a workout in my room, which may not sound like much, but it was, and my abs were sore, so I knew I worked them good! For lunch I made a big post workout Neapolitan smoothie; layered chocolate, peanut butter, and strawberry!  I used 9 frozen bananas (3 per layer) cacao powder, peanut butter, and frozen strawberries! It was delicious. Around 2:30 I had a green tea. For dinner I had a gigantic salad with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, seeds, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing (which is my absolute favourite) along with rice and cooked broccoli and carrots! Delicious and filling. Around 8:00 I had another tea to flush out my system!

At my school dining hall! And who said vegans don't eat. (Yes, i brought the brownie on my table, but i gave it to my friend instead!)

On the fourth and final day (Sun Feb 2nd) I had another big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I did another homemade workout in my room, which really worked my abs and legs. For lunch I had a big chocolate and strawberry banana smoothie. At 3:00 I had an apple, some cashews, and a green tea. For dinner at 6:00 I had a big salad with spinach, cucumber, tomato, carrots, seeds, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. At 7:30, I had another green tea. 

I found that I usually ate during afternoon snacks and after dinner, which is completely okay, but when I feel hungry, I think it’s usually out of boredom. So when I drank green tea, I felt good and satisfied my hunger. There are so many benefits to drinking green tea, I will post a link at the bottom. Not only does it prevent many sicknesses and diseases, but it metabolises your system, and flushes out all the bad things in it. 

 Today, Monday February 3rd, I weighed myself and I have lost 2 pounds! I think that’s pretty good for only a 4 day cleanse of eating vegan and drinking tea!  But don’t forget, I also did a workout Saturday and Sunday as well, so if you want your tea-tox to work, eat clean, but also exercise!

Again, if you are going to try this detox, DO NOT RESTRICT YOURSELF. One thing I learned when you are eating a raw vegan diet is, there are NO restrictions, because those foods will NEVER make you fat! You are eating all healthy plant based foods that are so good for your body, so one of the many perks of eating on this diet is eating as much as you want, whenever you want! So if you do plan on trying this detox, just remember: no animal by-products for 4 days, and have at least two teas a day. Workout, and eat lots! Good luck guys!

Freelee the Banana girl on Youtube talks about her raw vegan diet:
Benefits of drinking green tea:

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